There are many uses and applications of rFoil 2500 and rFoil 2600.  Just click on your application for your specific installation instructions. Quick Tip:  The white poly side of the insulation should face the interior of the structure whether on the ceiling or wall.

Metal Building Re-Roof
Metal Building Retrofit (Ceiling-Direct onto Purlins)
Metal Building Retrofit (Ceiling-Direct onto Purlins using Furring Strips)
Metal Building Retrofit (Wall)
Metal Building Roof (New) Draped Method
Metal Building Roof (New) Furring Method
Metal Building Roof R-10
Metal Building Roof R-19
Metal Building Roof R-30
Metal Building Wall (New) Draped Method
Metal Building Wall (New) Furring Method
Metal Building Roof (Above Plywood Decking)
Mini Storage Building
Post Frame Building Ceiling Retrofit
Post Frame Building Roof (New) Furring Method
Post Frame Building Roof (New) Draped Method
Post Frame Building Wall (New) Furring Method
Post Frame Building Wall (New) Draped Method
Post Frame Building Wall Retrofit
Under Vinyl Siding (Directly Over rFoil Insulation)
Under Vinyl Siding (Furring Strips Over rFoil Insulation)

If you have any other questions regarding the installation of rFoil 2500 or rFoil 2600 please submit your question and we will respond in a timely manner.

Let us know how we can help using the contact form below.

